Issue #10
Congratulations to our Year 6 students at last week’s Catholic Schools North-Eastern Basketball Carnival last week. Please see an excerpt from Anita’s report below:
“The girls showed excellent sportsmanship, enjoying every moment, and staying competitive in all their games, with a high number of goals scored.
Our Year 6 boys were outstanding, winning 4 out of their 5 games, and entered the Grand Final with confidence. They clinched the championship with a convincing 18-4 victory, crowning them champions of the Catholic North-Eastern Basketball Carnival. The boys were ecstatic, displaying not only impressive skills but also great sportsmanship and teamwork.
A Fair Player Award, voted on by the umpires throughout the day, was proudly awarded to Cyrus Tobias“.
Thanks to Mrs Anita Marino for her encouragement and organisation and thanks to the staff who supported her and the students on the day.
Please read an important letter from Catholic Education South Australia:
Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Last Friday our school, along with our sister schools in the region celebrated the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
It is from this feast day that the founders of our school get their name. The Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart founded St Gabriel’s School in 1956. There have been many OLSH sisters come and go since and the Feast Day is the school’s way of celebrating and honouring the connection we have with the sisters.
Year 11 and Year 12 students from OLSH College visited our students in the morning and joined them for activities and simply being together. Time was shared on together at recess time and the students from both schools were welcoming and hospitable towards each other.
The day was a great way for the students to mix with each other and understand that they are not the only school with OLSH connections.
After recess all students gathered in the Sacred Heart Centre to celebrate Mass with Fr Selva. The musicians and singing by the St Gabriel’s School students helped make the celebration even more special.
On Friday families were also invited to contribute to the Vinnie’s Winter Appeal. Many items were brought into school and will be forwarded to the local St Vincent de Paul Centre.
If you would like to donate to the appeal, you can use this QR code to visit the Vinnie’s website:

Soup Making
Children are continuing to make soup for Sr Janet Mead’s Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons.
The children make soup in their mentoring groups helping to peel, chop and dice vegetables to go in the soup.
The soup is frozen and delivered each fortnight to the centre on Queen Street in the city.
The children really enjoy making the soup and it is wonderful to see the older students helping the younger children complete the tasks.
There are the occasional cuts to fingers but we do spend the first part of the session discussing safety with the utensils.

Refugee Week
St Gabriel’s School regognises there is much that can be done to help refugees and asylum seekers. We welcome people of all nations who contribute lovingly to their new community.
Next week is Refugee Week and we pray that all people seeking a new home and life are granted welcome and peace to create a life of freedom, love, family and strength.
Give Us Hearts
God of love and compassion: may we always recognize your spirit:
in the refugee family, seeking safety from violence;
in the migrant worker, bringing food to our tables;
in the asylum-seekers, seeking justice for their families;
in the unaccompanied child, traveling in a dangerous world.
Give us hearts that break open whenever our brothers and sisters turn to us.
Give us hearts that no longer turn deaf to their voices in times of need;
Give us eyes to recognize a moment for grace instead of a threat.
Give us voices that fail to remain silent but which decide instead to advocate prophetically.
Give us hands that reach out in welcome, but also in work, for a world of justice until all homelands are safe and secure.
Bless us, O Lord...
- Fr. Dan Hartnett S.J.
Making Music
This term in Science and Design and Technology, the Year 2's have been exploring the world of sound. This has included testing different objects in class to explore the many ways we can make sounds and vibrations.
They also gained a firsthand experience into how different instruments sound and work, as part of a Adelaide Symphony Orchestra performance at the Woodville Town Hall.
The students then used this knowledge to plan and design their very own musical instrument. They used recycled materials and other household and school items to create, test, problem solve and evaluate their instrument.
Both classes were lucky enough to have the helpful hands of some of OLSH students assist in the making of the instruments on Feast Day last week. Mess was made and music was created, with all of the students doing an amazing job of building and "rocking out" on their instruments.

Last Friday, our Year 6 students participated in the Catholic Schools North Eastern Basketball Carnival at The Lights Community and Sports Centre. The day was filled with excitement, featuring basketball games, shoot-outs, and a lunchtime 3-point competition.
Both our girls' and boys' teams played five 12-minute games. The results of these games determined the finals and ultimately the grand finale. All matches were centrally umpired.
The girls showed excellent sportsmanship, enjoying every moment and staying competitive in all their games, with a high number of goals scored.
Our Year 6 boys were outstanding, winning 4 out of their 5 games, and entered the Grand Final with confidence. They clinched the championship with a convincing 18-4 victory, crowning them champions of the Catholic North Eastern Basketball Carnival. The boys were ecstatic, displaying not only impressive skills but also great sportsmanship and teamwork.
A Fair Player Award, voted on by the umpires throughout the day, was proudly awarded to Cyrus Tobias. Cyrus showcased remarkable skills and demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship throughout the carnival. Congratulations to Cyrus and the Year 6 boys for their incredible performance!

We congratulate all the families who participated in the Family Reading Challenge. A special congratulations to the Matto family who were the lucky winners of the family reading pack prize!

The Gabby's Angels had a tour around the St Gabriel's Garden in light of World Environment day. The Earth Care Squad has done a wondeful job cleaning up the garden. We are looking forward to see the progress of the winter crops that has been planted. Stay tuned!

The Community Group will be hosting a free movie night! They will be screening Sonic the Hedgehod.
Please come along and join the fun. There will be popcorn and other snacks to be purchased by cash on the night.
On the night there will be the following to purchase from the candy bar.
- Fresh popcorn
- Soft drinks and water
- Lolly bags
- Chocolate bars
- Ice-creams
We please ask you bring cash for these purchases, and we look forward to a fun night with the st Gabriel’s community.
Don't forget to RSVP through QKR or the front office by 20th June.
Event details:
Date: 22nd June Saturday
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Venue: The Sacred Heart Gym
Check out what OSHC has planned for the July Vacation Care:
To find out more about the School Fees and School Card, click the link below:
School Fees & School Card 2024
Fee Remission for 2024
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to apply for fee remission ASAP. Please email for a fee remission form or collect from the School Office if you wish to apply.
We assure parents/caregivers that all details provided will be kept strictly confidential.
If you are having difficulty with meeting your fee obligations or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Alison Boyce (Bursar) or Mark Simpson (Principal) on 8216 9900.
Thank you,
Alison Boyce
Direct Ph: 8216 9902
If you or your child are suffering from any respiritory symptoms, coughing, sneezing etc. we ask that you please do not come to school until you are well. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Student Attendance
You are reminded to ring the school/leave a message or Seesaw the teacher on the day your child is not attending school - please include the reason for non-attendance.
We'd be grateful if this could be done prior to 9am. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Please be aware that on our school website, there are key documents in relation to keeping all children in our school community safe from harm; physically, mentally and emotionally.
Please check and ensure that your child's jumper/jacket, hat, drink bottle and small plastic containers are labelled so that they can be returned to them.
Please note that uniform will be sold at the office on MONDAYS, TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAY. If using QKR - every day. Other days by appointment.
Please ensure that your child is wearing black laced up shoes with their everyday uniform.
Sneakers are not to be worn for everyday uniform and only to be worn with sport uniform
Clearview Snack Bar - Lunch Menu
Lunches can be ordered by using the Qkr! app - see below or purchasing paper bags and writing your child's name, class and order on the bag with money enclosed. These can be left at the office or given to your child's class teacher.
To view the 2024 uniform price list & policy and the 2024 lunch order menu, click the gallery below:

Important Dates
Refugee Week
Last Day of Term 2
First Day of Term 3
Upcoming Events
Assembly Earth Care Squad
Class Mass Reception
Assembly P.E.
Helpful Contacts/Links for families
QKR App – resolved with Android phones

The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store.