Additional Newsletter
Welcome to Term 2
On behalf of the St Gabriel's staff, I welcome everyone to the new term! We hope that the school break has provided opportunity to spend time with your family and to find time to re-eneregize. We are looking forward to another fantastic term.
Please see below some important updates.
Traffic Safety and Your Child
As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we have been working with the Port Adelaide and Enfield Council to assess the safest way for children and most efficient way for parents to manage the kiss-and-drop on Barrington Street. Given the small number of children who catch the bus, the Council have agreed with our request to move the bus zone to enable cars to use the preferred space directly out the front of the school. The signs below have now been installed on the school side/northern side of Barrington Avenue:
No Parking (Kiss and Drop Zone)
For safety please:
- Remain in your vehicle
- 2 minutes maximum parking time
- Move forward to the start of the line and follow cars in sequence
- Please be courteous to other drivers
- If you need to come into school to collect your child, then please consider parking in an alternative area.
A reminder about the No Standing signs on the southern side of Barrington Avenue that have been in place for some time.
Please see below:
NB. Please don’t park on the southern side of Barrington Avenue and ask your child to cross the road.
New OSHC Gate
With the completion of the building works, I have been concerned about the safety of students in OSHC. We have been leaving the front gate open from early in the morning and in the evening and with the darker months approaching, it is important for us to have a safer system. We have installed a key code for parents whose children are in OSHC to use to drop off and collect their children (see picture below). The OSHC Director has shared this information with students who attend OSHC.
Please note, close the gate behind you and do not share the code with the children.
If you have any concers, please see me.
Meet and Greet: Coffee Morning with the Principal
Just a reminder for those I have not yet met, I welcome you to introduce yourself this Friday May 3rd at 8:30AM. This is a casual opportunity to say hello and we will provide the coffee for you. Please see attached flyer.
Important Dates
Catholic Education Week
National Sorry Day
National Reconciliation Week
Refugee Week
Last Day of Term 2
First Day of Term 3
Upcoming Events
Reception & Year 1 Excursion
Year 2 Excursion
Year 5 & 6 Camp
Coffee with the Principal
Mother's Day Stall
Mother's Day Morning Tea
National Simultaneous Storytime
Helpful Contacts/Links for families
QKR App – resolved with Android phones

The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store.