Personal Growth
Wellbeing at St Gabriel’s is for all students. We care for the individual student and the care structure builds on this ethos and is designed for all students to be known, loved, and valued. The focus on wellbeing is to provide a supportive environment, where students feel challenged to strive for their best.
Personal Responsibility - Our School Approach
At St Gabriel's School, the Wellbeing curriculum gives opportunities for students to be involved in different activities, that involve students working individually, in pairs and groups. Our Wellbeing program incorporates Smiling Mind Education, Mentoring, What’s the Buzz, Student Leadership Programs and Assembly.
Smiling Minds
Smiling Mind Education is about enhancing the mental health and resilience of children, through mindfulness, based on social and emotional learning. The program caters and extends to parents and carers as well as students. The program is incorporated in every classroom and caters to particular year levels.
Upon entering the school, each student becomes part of a ‘House’, and a mentoring group. Mentoring is often described as their family at School. The House and group provides each student with the social, emotional, and educational support students’ needs to grow and develop into their true self. It is a place where each student feels safe, heard, and valued.
In mentoring we focus on different activities based around spiritual wellbeing. It is related to our sense of meaning and purpose, formed through a range of influences including culture, community and religion and includes beliefs, values and ethics we hold.
What’s the Buzz?
What’s the Buzz? Is an evidenced-based program. It is comprised of 3 unique Social and Emotional Literacy programs. It is a simply structured program to teach students social thinking. The program is explicitly taught by showing and practicing how children can get along with one another and nuture friendships.
The program is practical, models targeted social skills, role play, feedback and games. The 3 programs are divided and taught across Junior, Middle and Upper Primary.
Student Leadership Program
The program is an initiative for Primary Year Students, to develop effective student leadership to support Daily Physical Activity and promote an active curriculum within the school. The program helps students to develop and structure leadership strategies through personal and social skills.
The sessions feature a range of practical and theoretical components to inspire developmentally appropriate activities. Students are given an opportunity to feature at the Come and Try Expo in PE week to facilitate and run their own program to other students from different schools.
Spiritual Growth
Providing students opportunities for spiritual growth is of primary importance at our school. All spiritual growth opportunities are invitational and aligned with the mission of the Catholic Education system.
St Gabriel’s School is proudly a Catholic school and, as such, participation in all aspects of our religion is a crucial part of school life.
Students will be given the opportunity to celebrate and learn about their faith through class Religion lessons, prayer each day, liturgies and Mass.
Parents and other family members are always most welcome to join us for these special celebrations.
Students are provided with a learning environment which promotes their spiritual and moral development within the context of a Catholic Christian tradition.