Term 4 Week 3
Dear Parents and Friends of St Gabriel's
In this final term for 2024, we are preparing to celebrate with you all that has been achieved this school year, whilst at the same time planning for the year ahead.
During the Term 3 holidays three projects commenced at St Gabriel's, all of which have been completed this week. We now have new decking outside of the Year 5 and 6 classrooms, operable windows in the classroom in the gym, and the old staff room and teacher resource room have been refurbished so that we can utilise them as classrooms in 2025.
We are very fortunate that these works have been completed ahead of schedule, and look forward to how these refurbishments will provide more space for student learning.
Class Placement 2025
Each year at St Gabriel's, staff monitor children's learning progress and cater for each child's strengths and abilities on a daily basis. Over the course of a year, teachers develop very detailed understandings about each child's learning development, strengths and potential. Students academic and social emotional progress forms the basis of how we make decisions about each child's class placement for the following year.
During this term our staff will work with me to establish class lists for 2025. In this process teacher's from the child's current year level work together to create balanced class groups for the following school year.
A balanced class is one where there is mixed ability, a balance of gender, and consideration regarding the needs of any twins in the cohort.
As part of this process, children are asked to name their closest friends, with assurance given that they will be with one of the friends they have nominated next year.
If parents/caregivers have any other aspects of their child's learning they would like to be considered as part of this process, please email me at principal@sgs.catholic.edu.au by no later than Friday 15 November. Please note that any emails received will be reviewed as part of the overall process outlined above and may or may not be able to be actioned.
The process of changing classes provides students with an authentic opportunity to learn about how to make new friends and deal with change. Teachers also support students throughout this process which provides a rich opportunity for every child to develop their social emotional capacity.
Thank you for the privilege of working together to support your child's learning progress in this wonderful school community.
All Saints Day
November 1st is All Saints Day in the Catholic Church. This is a day when we honour the Saints for the lives they lived trying to carry out God’s work each day.
The Saints lives are examples of what can be achieved when we act with love, courage and conviction in our hearts. Throughout history they have helped many people and give us inspiration to follow in Jesus’ footsteps in our own unique way.
Our own Saints that we honour at St Gabriel’s school are St Gabriel himself, the messenger who spoke to Mary and Joseph to be the parents of Jesus, God incarnate.
We also honour the lives of St Francis Xavier, missionary second only to St Paul; St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, educator and friend to the poor in South Australia; Servant of God Jules Chevalier who spent his life sharing the love of God with everyone and Sister Marie Louise Hartzer who helped start the order of religious sisters called the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
Family members who have passed away are remembered also and we pray they are with God in heaven on All Saints Day and All Souls Day.
There is a powerful section of the statement of belief prayed each Sunday at Mass called the Apostles Creed which refers to the Saints who are with God. In this section we pray;
"I Believe in the Holy Spirit
I believe in the holy Catholic Church
The communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sins
The resurrection of the body
and Life everlasting."
The communion of Saints refers to those people who have lived dedicated lives and offer us examples and witness to the love of God in their lives which we use to help us in our own lives. We believe that when we pray the communion of Saints are with us. They are praying with us as we connect with God and Jesus in our everyday lives.
So tomorrow we pray the saints can guide us and help us come closer to God.
St Gabriel’s School community would like to wish all families celebrating Diwali a happy and blessed celebration.
Happy Diwali!
A-B-C, it’s easy as 1-2-3! Our bright and creative Year 4 students have spent many weeks working on creating, drafting, and finalising some incredible ABC books. Each student can select a topic they are extremely passionate and knowledgeable about. The topics are vast and plentiful, they give a great snapshot into the working minds of a Year 4. Topics include favourite tv shows, foods, countries, animals, sport, and many more.
The Year 4 students were then able to either create their books using the incredible Book Creator application or handwritten on some crisp A4 paper. Then, once printed, the clever kids created some elegant and protective jackets to cover their books.
Check out some examples below!
Tangram Madness!
At the end of Term 3, Year 4 students went absolutely off the grid!! Mathematics book grid that is. Using 7 shapes, the students had to construct beautiful puzzles. After constructing over 15 different forms, including foxes, humans, pandas, and snakes – they then chose their favourite puzzle to recreate in a beautiful piece of art complete with background.
Poetry, Poetry, What do we know-etry.
William Somerset Maugham said “The crown of literature is poetry. It is it's end and aim. It is the sublimest activity of the human mind. It is the achievement of beauty.” The Year 4 students took their aim at the crown, with a plethora of poems using pretty, perfect techniques - such as alliteration. A highlight of the outstanding poetry work was their haikus. A haiku, a Japanese poem, must have only three lines – the structure follows the syllables 5, 7, 5. Keep an eye, or an ear, out for some royal poets in the near future.
The Earth Care Squad continue to recycle 10 cent drink containers. Last week the recycled containers were returned and gained $180 to go towards projects in the community. This was 1800 containers that were removed from landfill.
The Squad is also trying to promote a tidier yard and encouraging everyone to put their rubbish in the bin.
The Year level with the tidiest area over the term will win a Pizza Party for their classmates. Good luck everyone.
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To find out more about the School Fees and School Card, click the link below:
School Fees & School Card 2024
Payment Plan Agreement Form 2025
All parents/caregivers must complete this form and return to the Finance Officer by Firday 22 November 2024. Click the link bellow to download the form:
St Gabriels Payment Plan Agreement Form 2025
Fee Remission for 2025
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to apply for fee remission ASAP. Please email accounts@sgs.catholic.edu.au for a fee remission form or collect from the School Office if you wish to apply.
We assure parents/caregivers that all details provided will be kept strictly confidential.
If you are having difficulty with meeting your fee obligations or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Alison Boyce (Bursar) or Gemma D'Angelo (Principal) on 8216 9900.
Thank you,
Alison Boyce
Direct Ph: 8216 9902
For more general information, click the link below:
To view the 2024 uniform price list & policy and the 2024 lunch order menu, click the gallery below: