Term 3 Week 9
Dear Families and Friends of St Gabriels,
Sports Day
Today we thoroughly enjoyed a fantastic community Sports Day. I was delighted to see students supporting and encouraging the efforts and successes of their peers and trying their personal best at each opportunity. Congratulations to Xavier for coming first and Chevalier for winning the spirit cup.
First place Xavier, second place Chevalier and we had a tie in third place between Hartzer and MacKillop.
With the spirit cup, we have Chevalier first, second Hartzer, third is MacKillop and fourth is Xavier.
Thank you to each of our staff for their preparation in the lead up to this event. Particular thanks to Bernie Meixner for coordinating the day, and to our community group for an excellent barbecue.

School Supervision
Each morning we have two teachers on duty from 8.30am. This time enables students to interact with their friends in a supervised environment until the day officially begins at 8.50am. At the end of the day, teachers provide supervision on Barrington Avenue and Whittington Street from 3pm until 3.20pm. These supervision times before and after school support the safety and wellbeing of students.
In Term 4 families will be welcomed into school each morning at 8.30am during which time Whittington Street gate will be opened and the front office will open.
OSHC continues to be available for families each morning from 6:30am and after school each day until 6:00pm. Bookings and enquires can be made by through oshc@sgs.catholic.edu.au.
As this is the final newsletter for the term, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all families a wonderful term break.
I look forward to welcoming you all back to school at the beginning of Term 4, Monday 14th of October.
Feast of the Angel Gabriel
Sunday 29th is the Feast Day of the Archangel Gabriel, the patron saint of our school.
The angel Gabriel appears in scripture across time and place, appearing to Daniel in the Old Testament, Zacharias, Mary and Jospeh in the New Testament and to the Prophet Mohammed in the Muslim tradition.
Saint Gabriel is a messenger of God, bringing God’s word to those who take notice.
On Thursday 26th September the Year 3 students will present a prayer assembly to celebrate the Feast of Saint Gabriel. We look forward to celebrating as a community on this special Name Day for our school. All parents and families are welcome to attend.
When: 26th September Thursday (Week 10)
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: The Sacred Heart Gym
Migrant and Refugee Sunday
All are welcome to attend the Migrant and Refugee Sunday Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday 29th September at 2.30 pm.
Please see the flyer below for details.
Draw Near Project
The Draw Near Project aims to support refugees and asylum seekers in Adelaide.
St Gabriel’s families are invited to donate food items to support families as they begin a new life.
The project continues until the end of the term. Any donations are most welcome.

Congratulations Mia Porter
On Saturday 14th September Mia Porter competed in Boulder State Titles in Keswik, South Australia
Mia competed in a variety of bouldering events against 11 other competitors in her age group. She had to complete seven boulders in two hours. Mia successfully completed the event in one hour and twenty minutes. Mia reached the top of all seven boulders which helped her win the overall State title.
Winning the state event now means Mia will go on to compete in the national titles.
A family outing to a rock climbing venue has encouraged Mia to successfully continue with the sport. Keep a look out for the name Mia Porter in the Brisbane 2032 Olympics.

This term has been filled with a range of new learning experiences and we welcomed Mrs Howard from UNISA to our classroom.
In Maths, we have discovered the many uses of fractions and how to name, convert and calculate with them. We represented fractions in a number of different ways including creating images from fraction blocks and calculating the value of our images.

In Science we have experimented with ‘Light’ and learned about the properties of light, and how it can be reflected and refracted.

We got creative with English and used our poetic language skills to create ‘Limericks’.
These were a lot of fun to create and share!

In Art, we refined our drawing skills and created portraits of significant people or our ‘heroes’.

Not forgetting, to celebrate our fathers for Father’s Day, we designed and 3D printed a personalised ‘trophy’ pencil cup for our loved ones.
A very productive term for everyone!

The Earth care Squad will begin planting spring crops in the vegetable garden this nest week. We are grateful to Bunnings Prospect for their support and assistance in planting our summer vegetables and fruits.
Box it the Bin It
The Earth Care Squad are introducing the ‘’Box It then Bin It’’ campaign. This campaign is designed to encourage children to put their food wrappers back in their lunch boxes and then take it home to dispose of later.
So please...
Box It, then Bin It
Last week's board meeting discussed various topics, including:
- Next master plan process
- Refurbishment and repair works considerations
- St Gabriel's 70 year celebration event ideas
Andrew Aldridge
Chair of School Board

Special thank you to the Community Group for hosting a wonderful BBQ during Sports Day today!
The OSHC team have come up with different themes each week of Term 3:
Check out the menu for this term:
More information about October Vacation Care Program:
To find out more about the School Fees and School Card, click the link below:
School Fees & School Card 2024
Fee Remission for 2024
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to apply for fee remission ASAP. Please email accounts@sgs.catholic.edu.au for a fee remission form or collect from the School Office if you wish to apply.
We assure parents/caregivers that all details provided will be kept strictly confidential.
If you are having difficulty with meeting your fee obligations or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Alison Boyce (Bursar) or Gemma D'Angelo (Principal) on 8216 9900.
Click the link to read the Census Privacy Collection Notice.
Thank you,
Alison Boyce
Direct Ph: 8216 9902
For more general information, click the link below:
To view the 2024 uniform price list & policy and the 2024 lunch order menu, click the gallery below:

A Retreat Discerning Gods will in your life when making big and everyday decisions will be held on Saturday 14th September 9:15am - 3:30pm At Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church 420 Seaview Road Henley Beach.
Speaker is Fr Manu Kumbidiyamackal MSFS. Please bring your own lunch tea/coffee provided
Enquiries and bookings phone Pauline 0403002240 b 12th September. Cost by Donation, all Welcome

Important Dates
Sports Day
Last Day of Term 3
Draw Near Project Donation Closes
Upcoming Events
Catholic Schools Music Festival
Prayer Assembly Week 10 - Year 3's
Prayer Assembly for the feast of St Gabriel's
Helpful Contacts/Links for families
QKR App – resolved with Android phones

The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store.
Draw Near Project

Donations can be delivered to the front office or your child’s classroom. The collection will end on 27th September.
Female Players Needed for 2024 / 2025
In support of female participation we are always on the lookout for female players to play basketball at the North Adelaide Rockets in our junior teams.
This is right from U10's (born 2016 or later) to our U18 teams (born 2008 & 2009), everything in between and our senior and U23 teams (born 2003 to 2007).
We have some amazing head coaches in our girls age groups who will provide great development opportunities.
If you are interested or would like to like to talk to someone about what's involved please contact admin@nabc-rockets.club with details of :-
- player's name
- player's date of birth
- playing experience
- contact details
NABC Operations Group