Term 3 Week 3
Dear Families and Friends of St Gabriel's
A celebration of excellence
At St Gabriel's we recognise that excellence is about an outcome of high achievement, but in a school like ours we also celebrate excellence in effort and attitude.
On Wednesday 43 students from our school competed in the Catholic Schools Cross Country at the Adelaide Parklands. Students had to complete a 2 kilometre course. We are very proud of each of these students for the persistence and determination they showed on the day. Congratulations to all students. Special Congratulations to Alicia who came eighth in her division and Alpha who came third. Our thanks and appreciation to Ms Wood and Mrs Cosentino and all parents who supported our students on the day.
Yesterday we celebrated our first assembly for Term 3. A very special thank you to our Reception children, who led the assembly. They showed great courage in their reading and great joy in their singing and dancing. It is always a wonderful occasion to see children enjoying their learning, and our Reception children were very excited to present at assembly. During the assembly, we officially welcomed 18 new Reception children who started this term. Our Year 6 students presented the Term 3 Receptions with a key ring as a sign of welcome to our community.
Community Survey
You are invited to participate in a short (3 to 5 minute) survey about our school’s performance. Similar surveys will be administered to staff and students to enable us to capture a community snapshot. All responses are confidential and will be used for school improvement purposes.
All surveys are anonymous as all answers go directly to National School Improvement Partnerships, where the results are analysed for our school.
The data received will help to inform our commitment to continuous improvement at St Gabriel’s.
How to complete the survey:
To respond the LLL Parent and Caregiver Survey at St Gabriel's School, Enfield in 2024 go to www.NSIPartnerships.com.au and enter the code SGSELLLP in the ‘Start Questionnaire’ field
The LLL Parent and Caregiver Survey will be open until the 23 August 2024.
Upcoming Events
I look forward to seeing families at our upcoming school and Parish events during the next few weeks:
- Parish celebrations this Sunday 11 August, includes Mass at Good Shepherd at 11am further details are provided in this newsletter
- Catholic Schools Open Week commencing 19 August, further details about Catholic Education Week are outlined in this newsletter
Wishing all families a blessed week ahead.

Draw Near Project
St Gabriel’s School in conjunction with St Brigid’s School and the Clearview/ Kilburn Parish are invited to participate in the Draw Near Project.
The Draw Near Project aims to support Migrants and refugees in our parish.
The aim of the project asks us to DRAW NEAR the people who are in need as they resettle into a new country and culture.
To offer support and love to the people who are trying to make Australia their new home we are being invited to offer donations of food items.
The following food items are being requested to support families resettling in Adelaide.
If you are able to assist in donating food items, your generosity is gratefully appreciated.
Draw Near Prayer
O Jesus, help us to always remember that when we draw near to those who have been displaced, it is you that we are welcoming, in faith, in hope and in love.
Donations can be delivered to the front office or your child’s classroom. The collection will end on 27th September.

Jubilee Celebration
Everyone is welcome to attend Mass at Good Shepherd church on Sunday 11th August at 11.00 am to celebrate the 60th anniversary of our parish church.
Archbishop O’Reagan will be presiding, and it will be a special way to celebrate a significant chapter in the parish history.
Please join us for a wonderful celebration.

Catholic Schools Open Week
Open week is celebrated from August 19th to August 23rd. This coincides with Book Week and Grandparents Day. See flyer bellow for more information:
The Earth Care Squad is excited to invite all families to bring Nude Food to school in an effort to reduce litter in the yard.
Whatever your family can do to reduce waste in the school is an important contribution to looking after our beautiful school environment.
Learning Italian at St Gabriel’s School
Saluti a tutti!
At St Gabriel’s School Italian is offered alongside Performing Arts and Physical Education. Italian is one of the major community languages in Australia. Italian is also a major community language in Europe, the United States, Canada, South America and parts of Africa.
Italian belongs to the Romance family of languages that includes Catalan, French, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish. Italian and English have a common linguistic link with Latin, sharing many Latin-derived words and using the same Roman alphabet. Many words we use in English have Italian origins, for example: ciao, alfresco, opera, solo, broccoli, ballerina and finale.
Language learning provides the opportunity for students to engage with the linguistic and cultural diversity of the world and its peoples, and reflect on their experience in various aspects of social life, including their own participation and ways of being in the world.
Through learning Italian students learn to:
- Use language for communicative purposes in interpreting, creating and exchanging meaning
- Analyse and understand language and culture as resources for interpreting and shaping meaning in intercultural exchange
- Develop a capability for reflection on language use and language learning
Here are some highlights from our Italian learning journey this year.
Maestra Dina- Italian Teacher

Read what's happening in OSHC:
The OSHC team have come up with different themes each week of Term 3:
Check out the menu for this term:
To find out more about the School Fees and School Card, click the link below:
School Fees & School Card 2024
Fee Remission for 2024
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to apply for fee remission ASAP. Please email accounts@sgs.catholic.edu.au for a fee remission form or collect from the School Office if you wish to apply.
We assure parents/caregivers that all details provided will be kept strictly confidential.
If you are having difficulty with meeting your fee obligations or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Alison Boyce (Bursar) or Gemma D'Angelo (Principal) on 8216 9900.
Click the link to read the Census Privacy Collection Notice.
Thank you,
Alison Boyce
Direct Ph: 8216 9902
For more general information, click the link below:
To view the 2024 uniform price list & policy and the 2024 lunch order menu, click the gallery below:

Important Dates
Showdown Donuts
Catholic Schools Open Week
Book Week
Father's Day Stall
R U OK Day
Sports Day
Last Day of Term 3
Upcoming Events
Grandparents' Day
Book Week Parade
Helpful Contacts/Links for families
QKR App – resolved with Android phones

The Android Phone issue has now been resolved, parents/users can now download the App from the Google Play Store.