

Ecological Conversion


Earth Care Squad 2022

The Earth Care Squad has been working hard to manage waste in the school and care for our environment.  Food scraps are going to our worm farm and 10 cent recycling containers are being collected to keep them out of land fill.

Last term the Earth Care Squad raised $120 from recycled 10 cent containers.

The students are working to introduce a soft plastic recycling programme to collect empty chip packets which contribute much of the waste in our kerb side recycling bins.

We are also going to establish a market stall at the front of the school on Wednesday afternoons for the produce we are growing in our garden.  Look out for our growers stall, coming soon.

Our chooks continue to lay 4 eggs a day and many families have placed orders for a dozen eggs. They are three dollars a dozen if anyone would like to order any eggs.

Here are some pumpkins grown in our garden. 

Thank you
Mr Meixner APRIM